Marie-Christine Durand, a local artist who shares her expertise and passion. Based in Soullans since 2011, she exhibits her creations and helps to promote craftsmanship and handmade products.

She has always been interested in artistic craftsmanship and composition, and has been painting on porcelain for nearly 20 years, using both traditional techniques and materials such as gold, platinum, lustre and imitation inlay. She began her career in the Paris region, perfecting her skills with world-renowned teachers. After a lot of hard work and competitions, she obtained a diploma that enables her to give lessons to pass on her passion.

Its creations are made on the principle of one-off personalised pieces, with no notion of a renewable series, fired at high temperature. In normal use, they are colourfast in traditional ovens, microwaves and dishwashers.

Marie-Christine is a people person and likes to meet local people by exhibiting at seasonal markets.
We speak : English




Horaires d'ouverture du 01 janvier au 31 décembre 2024
N/AOuvert de 14h à 18h
N/AOuvert de 14h à 18h
N/AOuvert de 14h à 18h


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